Conflict is an inevitable part of most workplaces. But whether it’s between co-workers or from clients or customers, ARETE has a suite of practical solutions and conflict resolution classes, enabling you to manage and prevent workplace conflict.
ARETE's customized, job-specific workshop gives employees the ability to continually assess customer/client behaviours and make safe and effective communication choices, all while managing their own emotions. With our workplace safety training, employees will learn that they have a choice in how they respond to extremely challenging or volatile interactions.
Provides learners with the skills to de-escalate angry callers, all while maintaining best practices in customer service and professionalism. A leading expert in workplace de-escalation takes participants through the best practices of pre-planning, visualization, knowing our own limitations, verbal intervention, as well as key de-escalation strategies.
This highly interactive and entertaining workshop provides employees with practical skills, confidence and motivation to proactively manage a variety of potential conflicts and unwanted behaviours that are all too common in workplaces. Even in some of the most challenging and/or toxic work environments, OnSide Workplace training continues to have immense success.
Une majorité d’employés et de superviseurs comprennent ce que signifie se comporter d’une manière qui favorise, améliore et est généralement compatible avec un environnement de travail productif, professionnel et respectueux. La formation ARETE sur les brimades et le harcèlement donne aux employés les compétences, la confiance et la motivation nécessaires pour s’exprimer efficacement et faire face aux comportements indésirables sur le lieu de travail avant qu’ils ne s’aggravent.
Our Personal Safety | Public Interaction and Compliance course covers the essentials of safe and effective public engagement, including: building rapport, gaining compliance, managing escalated situations, and much more.
ARETE’s risk assessment process assists clients in finding practical solutions for effectively addressing workplace violence and compliance-related concerns. We recognize and analyze both the dynamic nature of human interaction and the unique organizational structures in each workplace.
Although not every employee has contact with customers or clients, personal safety is an important subject for anyone whether on or off the job. Our additional training is suited for employees who have limited to no contact with customers or clients, but still offers them the opportunity to take responsibility for their safety in their daily life as well as with keeping their workplace safe and secure.
Our engaging and interactive curriculum has been a popular part of many conferences across the country. We have spoken on topics ranging from safety for business travellers, managing challenging clients or customers, working alone, and dealing with workplace bullying and harassment.
Personal safety can be an emotionally stressful topic, and for some of us, it can be pretty overwhelming too. In Safety with Sam™ | Youth Personal Safety, Sam walks you through the core personal safety basics and goes over scenarios that help you feel more confident about your choices in public spaces. Sometimes, a shift in the way we think about personal safety is all it takes for us to be realistic about the possibilities of danger and safely respond to them, or avoid them completely.